We Still Don't Have a Cure for Breast Cancer


There is no sure way to prevent breast cancer

We Conquered Space. We Discovered Distant Stars and Planets.

We Still Don't Have a Cure for Breast Cancer.

Join KickBC and Embrace a Preventive Lifestyle With These Benefits:

  1. Offline: Partner with a Nurse Practitioner (NP) in your State. Pay them directly. Your NP will guide you and refer you to specialists, therapists, dietitians, 2nd opinion providers as needed.
  2. Email: Suggestions on non-alcoholic drinks and smoothies. Let us help you cut down on Social Drinking.
  3. Email: Recipes for Meals and Snacks. Let us help you cut down on Meat Consumption.
  4. Online: Workout ideas and information on parks, gyms, yoga, dance, sports and outdoor activities. Let us help you boost Vitamin D naturally.
  5. Online: Restaurant Menu Items that you can order directly from restaurants. Let us make your Take Outs healthier.
  6. Online: Grocery Shopping lists that you can order online directly from online grocers. Let us make your Grocery Deliveries healthier.
  7. Online: Ideas on Supplements, Spices and Grains that you can Research and order directly from vendors.
  8. Online: Breast Cancer news and summaries of Review Papers.
  9. Online: Resources to get low cost Lab Services (e.g. Blood Test, X-ray) recommended by your NP.
  10. Online: Group Buy programs that you can join to purchase healthful items at a group discount.
  11. Online: Links to third party Youtube videos featuring food tours and Mukbangs.
  12. Online: Performance Review of your NP. Detailed and actionable online forms you fill anonymously.

Join us today! If you're still not convinced, please check out FAQ page or contact us directly with questions.